Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just exactly who am I?

I'm definitely on the cusp and today's horoscope captures that intriguing little detail perfectly!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You were born innocent, and in many ways you are innocent still. Embrace that. Though it may be fun to discover how the magic trick works, it's far more fun to believe.
I sometimes feel more gullible than innocent, but very true of my nature. I go into situations with a smile and lots of hope because I just don't know any better at times. DAMN! Wish I could sell that - I'd be a millionaire...instead, I'm rich with friends who tell me I'm what they look forward to...that I put a smile on their face and in their heart when things are grim and that I somehow have the perfect timing for it...PRICELESS! And do I believe in miracles? Why, yes I do!

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll be an excellent judge of character, but the question is whether you will follow what your inner voice suggests. In order to do so, you must let go of needing the situation to go a certain way.
I do agree that I am an excellent judge of character and because of it, I've met some really great people. I have to admit that I haven't followed what my inner voice suggested and got a broken heart...because I wanted it to go a certain way and it wasn't meant to...

BTW, thanks Holiday!

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