Saturday, January 2, 2010

  1. What is your pet hate? Liars and cheats.
  2. If you had the choice of living on any planet, then which one it be and why? Now why would I want to move to another planet when I haven't even adjusted to this one yet?
  3. It’s your birthday and everyone forgets what would you do? It happens fairly routinely and I'll do what I usually do...nothing.
  4. Do you think you are good at recycling? I try to be...I cut and paste on the computer, which uses less key strokes on the keyboard, which means less effort and energy on my part, which means I eat less (hmmm) due to less energy needs, which means, well you get my direction...
  5. Cash or credit? Cash, when I have it.
  6. Car or public transport!? I'm a slave to my car, though try to combine trips so I don't use what precious gasoline I can afford to put in it, which cuts down on emissions, which helps the planet...(see #4 above). Besides, no public transportation out here where I live, unless I put my thumb out and use the public at large as my mode of transporation...which is actually a common practice out here!

The progress on one of my resolutions is going along okay. I'm already procrastinating on the one with a looming deadline, but I'm sure I'll get over that hump and get it done. And only 135 shopping days till my birthday, for those of you referred to in #3 above...and only 356 shopping days till Christmas...GET A MOVE ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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