Friday, January 8, 2010

the cocktail hour

1. There are places that a person should never venture again.
2. Quit your GD whining and blow those clouds away.
3. Standing in the midst of chaos, she throws off the challenge with a shrug.
4. Hot dog treasures and tater tots for dinner, oh boy.
5. He went out tiger hunting but brought back three missionaries instead.
6. Downers keep my mind from wandering.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to possibly going to see a movie (It's Complicated), tomorrow my plans include finishing my manuscript, and Sunday, I want to prepare for my Monday morning job interview !

I'm on the cusp, so here's my possibilities:

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Sure, every choice matters. But every choice is not hugely momentous. When it comes to fulfilling your life's purpose, there are many perfect routes. Just choose one that feels right and don't agonize.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Fortune favors you when you shift into an area of interest that is foreign to your expertise. Being a newcomer is exciting. You'll be game for the adventure and fabulously passionate about the learning process.

Had a very good conversation with Eric. We talked about a couple of things that needed to be talked about and dealt with - success! I feel my love for him growing each day, which is a difficult feat given my experience with such matters. He told me that he fell in love with me all over again and I truly believe him. He loves me unconditionally and extraordinarily ~ what more could a woman have?


  1. Love #6, we are debating on seeing It's Complicated or Daybreakers tonight. Have a great weekend and good luck with the job interview on Monday :)

  2. heehee, Hot Dog Treasure & Tater Tots. We haven't had that since we last had it down there!
