Saturday, October 3, 2009

up and at 'em!
1. Has a relationship been effected by how one of you slept? With my ex...his snoring was so loud, I couldn't sleep, so would end up out on the couch, where I slept fitfully.
2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Since I sleep alone, I sleep right smack in the middle of it!
3. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Start out on my side, wake up on my back.
4. Describe the bedding on your bed right now. Matching sheet set with ivory cotton blanket and floral comforter. How does it change with the seasons? I take the floral comforter off in warm weather. Are you particular about your pillows or linens? Must have cases on the pillows and the top sheet tucked in.
5. When sleeping with someone, do you hog the bed, steal covers, or snore? I was accused of hogging the bed, but never heard complaints of stealing covers or snoring.
6. What do you wear to bed? At a minimum, undies and t-shirt; otherwise, jammies. I've also fallen asleep with my clothes on (but not my shoes). If it varies, explain. The variance is dependent upon how tired I am.
7. No matter how much you love someone, would you rather alone? No, but even though I may be in love with someone, doesn't mean they are with me. Therefore, I am alone.
8. Tell us about a time when you awoke in bed, saw the person next to you and thought, "Oh, no..." Not gonna put that here, but I certainly did say "oh, no..."
9. Tell us about a time when you awoke thinking it was a different day than it was. That would be this past Thursday afternoon...I was so tired from the night before that I napped during the late afternoon and woke up wondering what the real time was and the day.


  1. I can only dream about sleeping smack in the middle of my bed. ahhhhhh....

    Have a good one.

  2. There's nothing worse than that "Oh no" feeling! Great job. Have a good Saturday...
