Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today, though not over for several hours, turned out to be very nice weather-wise. I put in a day's work to earn a day off for the upcoming week (gonna work 1/2 day Friday so I can head up to BC to see my kids for the weekend and will use the other 1/2 day when Eric's flight comes in.) I felt very productive and satisfied in what I accomplished - YAY ME!

Sunday Stealing: The 35 Questions X 2 Meme: Part One

1. How far away is the last person you kissed? Not far enough...

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever? yeah, the person I married (then split from because his behaviors weren't conducive to keeping those vows).

3. Last person you were in a car with? My friend Brett, who took me home after I returned from a conference in SC.

4. Any plans for tomorrow? Work (and hopefully not dealing with one of the employees I supervise).

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower? Depends on whether I decide to masturbate.

6. Best friend or close friends? More like acquaintances.

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? It's what I hope for every day...

8. Did you kiss anyone friday? Does "kiss off" count?

9. Ever thrown up in public? If I did, I was too drunk or stoned to know, and since no one told me about it, they were either embarrassed by and didn't mention it or I didn't.

10. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? What job prospects are in the near future, which will determine where I'll be moving...

11. Who was the last person you talked to? My dad in Ohio.

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school? Sex education - with all the young "moms to be," somebody isn't getting the word out!

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with? One of the employees I supervise makes it extremely difficult to be civil to her, but I manage.

14. What is your favourite colour top to wear? Clean.

15. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, because the other person in the other car was the moron who didn't know how to drive, steer, pay attention, stay conscious.

16. What's the closest thing to you that's green? The indicator lights on my internet box.

17. Where would you like to be right now? Settling into my new location (and starting my new job).

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you're listening to? I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. I think I can make it now, the rain is gone. All of the bad feelings have disappeared.

19. How many dogs do you have? Does that count my tired feet?

20. Is anything bugging you right now? Yes.

21. Is life going right for you now? Probably, but I'm not satisfied yet.

22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself? No.

23. What made you laugh today? Watching the movie "Maverick."

24. What was the last movie you watched? Maverick

25. Whats the last conversation you had about? My job (with my dad).

26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning? Waking up (woke up at 2:00 a.m., chatted with a couple friends on Facebook, and went back to sleep around 4:30 a.m.)

27. Do you like your hair long or short? Long.

28. Do you want to see somebody right now? Yes.

29. Do you like the rain? Yes.

30. Did you have a valentine this year? I got a card from my grandsons.

31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go? Yes.

32. Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? Would depend on who it is.

33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you? Yes.

34. How do you feel about boys smoking? NASTY!

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever? I did, but it's a mutual thing...I guess nobody can see themselves with me least not the way it should be.

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