Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wondering where in the hell the year has gone!? I feel like I've accomplished nothing...have not progressed in any area of my life...if fact, I've taken a couple HUGE steps backwards! The immediate future isn't looking all that bright either. I have a big move looming before me with unfinished issues here - but who knows, could get some resolution on a couple before I depart, but not really holding out or placing bets at this time! In all honesty, I believe the majority of society has taken a permanent break from reality. When I hear things being said, I'm asking myself, "what the hell are they THINKING?" Simple answer...they're not. I've spent most of my life taking care of others (just how it ended up), and mind you, I've never done so thinking "what's in it for me?" But honestly, it would be nice to have a little bit of a break now and then...a little reward to keep those thoughts of "why am I bothering?" at bay for a little while longer.

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