Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wondering where in the hell the year has gone!? I feel like I've accomplished nothing...have not progressed in any area of my life...if fact, I've taken a couple HUGE steps backwards! The immediate future isn't looking all that bright either. I have a big move looming before me with unfinished issues here - but who knows, could get some resolution on a couple before I depart, but not really holding out or placing bets at this time! In all honesty, I believe the majority of society has taken a permanent break from reality. When I hear things being said, I'm asking myself, "what the hell are they THINKING?" Simple answer...they're not. I've spent most of my life taking care of others (just how it ended up), and mind you, I've never done so thinking "what's in it for me?" But honestly, it would be nice to have a little bit of a break now and then...a little reward to keep those thoughts of "why am I bothering?" at bay for a little while longer.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1. It's the first of April, do you play April Fool's jokes on anyone? I do everything as always, which puts everyone on their toes, wondering if I'm gonna pull some stunt!

2. Do you like to eat sardines? No, and I don't like to play with them either!

3. Have you ever played racketball? Yep...until I got beaned on the back of the head as it bounced on the back wall...those little blue balls are HARD!

4. If eating at a fast food joint that has a dollar menu, do you order a bunch of different dollar items or just go ahead and get a regular meal? IF I eat fast food, it's usually Wendy's (which isn't here in this neck of the desert) and I order strictly from the dollar menu.

5. Have you ever taken a brand new pencil and sharpened it in an electric sharper until it was almost gone just because you were bored? Not an electric one, but did use a hand crank one and sharpened it down to a nub so people would ask how long I had been using it!

6. Do you have any old broken computers still sitting around your home? I moved from THAT house!

7. Ricky Martin came out this week stating he is gay. Were you shocked, had a feeling, "who?" or just didn't care? Just don't care (and didn't really know about it till you mentioned it here.)

8. If marijuana is legalized, do you think it should have a luxury tax added onto it? Sure, why not? Alcohol is taxed!

9. What's the oddest thing you have sitting on your computer desk right now or where ever it is you may be sitting with a laptop (you could be sitting at a Starbucks with an alien from Mars for all we know)? I have a pine cone chick sitting on my computer desk that my grandson made for me a few Easters back...the pine cone has cotton stuffed in the crevices and he cut out yellow foamie wings, an orange foamie beak, and white foamies with black inserts for eyes! Something you just don't see everyday on a computer desk! 10. Have you ever bumped into a former lover and found out they were now gay or straight depending on your relationship with them? I try not to bump into former lovers (not that I have THAT many!), but I've not heard they switched preference...though they may find that out about me one day!

11. Have you ever held a tarantula? Nope, I usually do the "ewwwww...cooties....get away from me" dance when I see one.

12. Shower- curtain, door, walk-in, or do you just roll around in the dirt to get the stink off? Have a curtain now, had doors, and a walk in previously. Next move, I think I'll try the "roll around in the dirt" trick and see if it works!

13. Which commercial is the most annoying to you on TV or radio? ANY of them...I have a DVR!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Queen's Meme #31 ~ The What Not Meme

What NOT To Do when you’re…..

1. On a first date - talk about the incessant itch "down there."

2. Intoxicated - propose or accept a proposal.

3. In the shower - get on your knees.

4. At your ex’s wedding - flirt with your ex's "soon to be" bride/groom.

5. In jail - close your eyes.

6. Being stalked - Invite the person in for a drink.

7. Stuck to an igloo - Stick your tongue on the yellow block.

8. In sewing class - Make the others laugh so hard you put them in stitches!

9. Asleep in a helium balloon - Sleep walk.

10. At a birthday party for twins - Forget who's who.

11. On a nude beach - Forget your sunscreen.

12. At the opera - Snore.

13. You’re falling in love - Tell the person you're falling in love.

14. Low on gasoline in a bad part of town - Ask for directions to the nearest gas station.

15. Having a baby - Question the paternity.

16. On fire - Put gasoline in your car.

17. Lost at the mall - Ask where the nearest exit is.

18. At a single’s dance - Flash your big engagement ring!

19. Riding a bike on the Jersey Turnpike - Admit you're lost (why else would I be there?)

20. Driving your significant other's car - Sneeze on the steering wheel.

21. Being robbed at gunpoint - Ask where the person purchased their gun.

22. Kissing - Burp or smoke.

23. Paying the hotel cashier - Set up "dates" for the evening on my cell phone.

24. Buying lingerie - talk about the incessant itch "down there."

24. Commenting on a blog - be rude.

25. In Queen Mimi's dungeon - be inpatient.

Manic Monday #205

How do you feel about couples that share an email address? I say more power to 'em. Obviously don't have anything to hide and are comfortable with the knowledge of who their significant other is conversing with. I think it would be nice to have that sort of comfort level with someone and not worry about being "surprised" by something that might show up on email.

How open about your life are you in the various online arenas? Fairly open depending on the question and my mood...I can be quite snarky some days and am sometimes surprised by my own sense of humor!

On average, how many hours a week do you spend online? Do you think it's too much? I'm sure it's in excess of 20 hours, simply because I'm home on the weekends. I don't think it's too much because I accomplish what I want and enjoy myself.Besides, it keeps me from watching TV...well, maybe not...I usually have it on in the background!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today, though not over for several hours, turned out to be very nice weather-wise. I put in a day's work to earn a day off for the upcoming week (gonna work 1/2 day Friday so I can head up to BC to see my kids for the weekend and will use the other 1/2 day when Eric's flight comes in.) I felt very productive and satisfied in what I accomplished - YAY ME!

Sunday Stealing: The 35 Questions X 2 Meme: Part One

1. How far away is the last person you kissed? Not far enough...

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever? yeah, the person I married (then split from because his behaviors weren't conducive to keeping those vows).

3. Last person you were in a car with? My friend Brett, who took me home after I returned from a conference in SC.

4. Any plans for tomorrow? Work (and hopefully not dealing with one of the employees I supervise).

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower? Depends on whether I decide to masturbate.

6. Best friend or close friends? More like acquaintances.

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? It's what I hope for every day...

8. Did you kiss anyone friday? Does "kiss off" count?

9. Ever thrown up in public? If I did, I was too drunk or stoned to know, and since no one told me about it, they were either embarrassed by and didn't mention it or I didn't.

10. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? What job prospects are in the near future, which will determine where I'll be moving...

11. Who was the last person you talked to? My dad in Ohio.

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school? Sex education - with all the young "moms to be," somebody isn't getting the word out!

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with? One of the employees I supervise makes it extremely difficult to be civil to her, but I manage.

14. What is your favourite colour top to wear? Clean.

15. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, because the other person in the other car was the moron who didn't know how to drive, steer, pay attention, stay conscious.

16. What's the closest thing to you that's green? The indicator lights on my internet box.

17. Where would you like to be right now? Settling into my new location (and starting my new job).

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you're listening to? I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. I think I can make it now, the rain is gone. All of the bad feelings have disappeared.

19. How many dogs do you have? Does that count my tired feet?

20. Is anything bugging you right now? Yes.

21. Is life going right for you now? Probably, but I'm not satisfied yet.

22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself? No.

23. What made you laugh today? Watching the movie "Maverick."

24. What was the last movie you watched? Maverick

25. Whats the last conversation you had about? My job (with my dad).

26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning? Waking up (woke up at 2:00 a.m., chatted with a couple friends on Facebook, and went back to sleep around 4:30 a.m.)

27. Do you like your hair long or short? Long.

28. Do you want to see somebody right now? Yes.

29. Do you like the rain? Yes.

30. Did you have a valentine this year? I got a card from my grandsons.

31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go? Yes.

32. Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? Would depend on who it is.

33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you? Yes.

34. How do you feel about boys smoking? NASTY!

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever? I did, but it's a mutual thing...I guess nobody can see themselves with me least not the way it should be.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Seems that I've taken a sabbatical from my blog...unintentional of course...just something that happened. So rather that try to catch up with a vengeance, I'll give a short update since mid-January.
I was finally hired full time as the 'Family and Community Services Manager' for the local county Head Start program. It's a new position and there were LOTS of applicants from local folks, but I landed it. Funny thing is, I walked out of that interview feeling like I blew it. Since then, I've gone to Washington DC and Charleston SC for conferences and training. I'm slowly "getting it," but also feel like I should be doing more. However, my boss (the Executive Director) told me that she doesn't fully expect that I'll be 'up and running' for a full year. Now I don't feel so inept. Am getting a bit of resistance from one of the employees I supervise (she applied for and didn't get this job), and dealing with some minor sabotage and undermining, but am going through the channels to deal with it. I am doing okay with the others, so that helps.
I ended a friendship with someone and have moved forward on another relationship. Eric is moving out here in the next couple weeks and we're gonna "give it a go." I'm not wanting to have any expectations and wonder if that's the best approach, but console myself by telling me that it's the safest approach.
All that aside, I found out that licensing requirements are a bit different here in this state and if I can't get in with a federal employer, may have to return to Ohio to get my supervision hours. Deadline for moving will be this summer if I don't get in to a federal matter what though, will be moving from this area.
My kids moved 4 hours further north in BC, but they seem to be happier and that's what really matters in the grand scheme of things. Hopeful that everything will finally fall into place for them (which will reduce the stress factor for me).

Saturday 9: You're My Best Friend

1. Outside of your romantic life, do you currently have a best friend? Haven't had a "best friend" in a very long time.

2. Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for? Stable health and happiness.

3. Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food? If yes. what did you do? Does family count? If so, helped with basic needs (and I've been on the receiving end as well.)

4. If they re-instituted the draft (for both genders and your were of age) would you go, or would find some way out of it? I'd go if they'd take me...I feel I have the mettle to deal with it.

5. Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do. Fall in love indiscriminately.

6. Tell us about the last time you bragged. More like "tooted my own horn," but I feel I sold myself pretty hard at my last job interview.

7. What area are you wisest in? Hindsight.

8. Tell us about something that happened that at the time made you "full of yourself". Thinking I found love again.

9. Has there ever been a time that you wanted to try something in the bedroom, but were afraid to ask? Nope (part of that 'indiscriminate' trait I seem to possess.)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just exactly who am I?

I'm definitely on the cusp and today's horoscope captures that intriguing little detail perfectly!
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You were born innocent, and in many ways you are innocent still. Embrace that. Though it may be fun to discover how the magic trick works, it's far more fun to believe.
I sometimes feel more gullible than innocent, but very true of my nature. I go into situations with a smile and lots of hope because I just don't know any better at times. DAMN! Wish I could sell that - I'd be a millionaire...instead, I'm rich with friends who tell me I'm what they look forward to...that I put a smile on their face and in their heart when things are grim and that I somehow have the perfect timing for it...PRICELESS! And do I believe in miracles? Why, yes I do!

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll be an excellent judge of character, but the question is whether you will follow what your inner voice suggests. In order to do so, you must let go of needing the situation to go a certain way.
I do agree that I am an excellent judge of character and because of it, I've met some really great people. I have to admit that I haven't followed what my inner voice suggested and got a broken heart...because I wanted it to go a certain way and it wasn't meant to...

BTW, thanks Holiday!